Our sea-view hideaway in Sicily

 When we decided to go to Sicily, the most difficult thing to find was accommodation which we liked, within our budget and with a pool. We spent evenings and evenings on the internet looking for the perfect place. Of course, after last year's find in Andalucia (click here, if you care to see), we were expecting a lot and if you want a charming place in Sicily, it is -or in a city, -or there is no pool - or it is way too expensive. And yes, I must admit that we are not the easiest to satisfy. So, when we finally came across this place 'Le Case di Ela', located in the hills surrounding Agrigento but with sea view- modern, clean and decorated with taste, we just booked it immediately. 
It turned out to be what it promised, super clean, everything new, a nice pool, good views and a superfriendly host, Sabrina. She made sure everything was there for Olivia (wet wipes, a special towel with fishies, special kid yoghurts and juice in the fridge) and she kept on spoiling our girl everyday with little treats. We really felt at home. Also wifi was working fine. Definitely a good place to stay, if you are planning a trip to Sicily.

 (The interior pictures are from the website, because I forgot to take pictures when we got there and when I thought about it, our stuff was already everywhere of course!)

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