...Under the blanket...
...In a warm coat...
...In front of the Christmas tree...
...with the ones you love...
It is the season to be hibernating!
I must admit that I had some difficulties getting into the Christmas spirit this year, don't know why.
But tonight I put on some Bing Crosby, sat in front of the tree, cooked some nice food and danced in the living room with my daughter on 'Rudolph, the red nosed reindeer' and I must say,poof, I'm in it again.
(I did some DIY Xmas decoration with the wreath decorated with red & green wool and the white red garland with white bells.)
This weekend we went to the Christmas market in our town & in the famous town of Bruges (where we met up with our friends, I stole these pictures from their instagram, because I lost all the nice pictures I took there grrr)
In Belgium, on 6 December we celebrate 'Sinterklaas'. A bit like Santa, but not quite.
Olivia got a lot of presents from Sinterklaas (well, from her grandparents, godmother, but shhhht)
She played all weekend with her new toys and we baked cookies and ate them with hot cocoa while watching an old movie.
Christmas, we're ready for you
(This kid is worse than a cat, if you look closely at our tree, u will see there are no ornaments left at Petti-height)