Early on Saturday, we got in our car and drove to London (for the wedding & some food). It seemed like a good idea (and a lot cheaper) and a bit of an adventure, so we were up for it. We made our way to Calais, got some coffee and breakfast, and got into the Eurotunnel car train. Olivia loved it, because she could sit in front with her daddy and pretend she was driving. 30 minutes later we were in Fokstone. Driving on the left is interesting, it's like you have to reverse your brain or something, so I was happy my boo is such a good driver!
Lolo lived in London in the past, and he really made me discover the city and all the good things about it, like all the different areas with their own identity & local markets, the big green parks you find everywhere, the street food, the pub culture. We love it!
It also was Olivia's first time in the UK.
We definitely have to go back soon and discover some more.

We went for lunch at Honest Burger in Clapham, because we had seen some instagrams of their food, and it just looked so delicious. And it was, the buns were perfect golden brown and light, not like the crappy ones with the sesame seeds you find here. The meat was nice and pink and the toppings delicious. The staff was so friendly too. Good choice we made!
After lunch we drove to the hotel to get ready for the wedding and had a great day.
PS: I also wanted to share a little anecdote of our short trip to London. Yes, For those who know we - I did a Lisa.
After the wedding party, we drove back to the hotel (16 km) and all the way there I already felt that something was wrong, as if I had lost or forgotten something. So once arrived at the hotel, I searched my purse and found what was missing: My ID card and to go back home I really needed it, as they check your ID carefully. Of course I had nothing else on me with a photo ID (I like to travel light, you know), so the stress kicked in. We searched the car, the luggage, my clothes, everything & found nothing! Stresssss! I decided we had to go back to the wedding venue to go look for it. So back in the car with the sleeping baby and we drove the 16 km back to the venue. In the car I called the hotel, the above mentionned restaurant, the wedding venue, nobody had found it. But of course I could be anywhere on the street, on the ground, wko knows.
And the next day being a Sunday, I feared the worst!
Arrived at the wedding venue, they told me they did not find it, but I decided I wanted to check for myself. The first cushion I lifted, there it was! Big sigh of relief! I hugged and kissed everybody in the bar and left, to drive the 16 km back to the hotel!
My husband loves me but strongly advises me to take better care of my documents next time and not to throw them carelessly- the Lisa way- in my purse and also to travel with 2 photo ID's. Hihi.
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