Reading : The Cuckoo's Calling, Robert Galbraith
Wanting : To find a good Christmas present for my man
Looking: for a new me-style
Playing: ball games with the Petti
Wasting: Too many half drunk cans of Cola Zero
Wishing: for a good health for all our loved ones
Enjoying: my afternoons with my girl
Waiting: for the holidays to come
Liking: the crisp air in the morning
Wondering: what goes on in O's little head sometimes
Loving: our life
Hoping: that I am a good mommy
Needing: a new coffee table
Smelling: the scent of garlic and lemon in the kitchen
Wearing: my comfy clothes
Following: the latest series of The Big Bang Theory
Noticing: how quickly time flies as you get older
Knowing: that I will not get myself to the gym in 2014
Thinking: about exciting future plans
Feeling: emotional (because my baby is not a baby anymore, she started walking today)
Bookmarking: small weddings, food inspiration and clothes
Opening: the duvet, time for bed