We are getting ready for our trip!
Some things to do:
- Preparing & studying the road map (Google maps is our best friend)
2. I have done some research on how making the very long flight somewhat more comfortable ( if that is possible without flying business or first)
You can do a few things: You can try to find the best seat in the airplane using the seatexpert website.You fill out the airline, the flight number and the date and the application tells you what the best seats are. Since most airlines have an online check in, you can then choose that seat. Clever no?
So at least now we can stretch our legs and not be bothered with smelly neighbours! Another tip to survive the flight: take a sleeping pill, 8 hours fly by before you know it! :-)
3. Food on the airplane can be pretty bad - I sometimes feel a bit weird after eating those meals. So before you book of after, you can consult a review website on airline meals, and when it seems to be -not so appetising-you can always buy something in the airport that will keep you going during the flight. Reviews on airline meals can be found here: airlinemeals.net
4. Avoiding a jet lag. Just a few rules to follow
- Drink a lot on the aircraft, stay hydrated
- Move around in the cabin
- Don't eat too much
- Sleep when you feel like sleeping on the aircraft, but don't force yourself
- Reset your clock at the destination time zone immediately, so your mind thinks that nothing is wrong.
- Don't do naps the day of arrival
- Stay awake until 11 PM local time for 2 consecutive nights, after you will be fine
“Tourists don’t know where they’ve been, travelers don’t know where they’re going.” – Paul Theroux
“Not all those who wander are lost.” – JRR Tolkien
"Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind.” – Seneca
“I love to travel, but hate to arrive.” – Albert Einstein
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