On the road to Retail redemption, and pecan pie to compensate the loss that goes with that…

This is the first day of my new no-compulsive shopping life. It has gone one bridge too far since I discovered internet shopping and the joys of Paypall. So I decided to stop the mayham shopping.
Also because recently my boyfriend moved in, and half of my dressing space is now filled with suits and sweaters.
I’m starting to feel more and more like ‘a rebel “without” a cause. My dressing is stuffed with clothes and shoes I have never even worn and on top of that with things I didn’t even know I have, and still I do not manage to get the perfect outfit together.
The fact that I am turning 30 this years has something to do with it too: I need to find out what my style is or which style I would like to have or suits me.
The book I just started reading does not really help me with that problem. In “The Shopping Diet” by Philip Bloch (stylist of the stars) the author points out that in order to heal you have to find out which style you belong too (it’s like choosing a diet that work for you), but there the troubles begin:
Am I
  • ·         The Classic? (like Kate Winslet or Sandra Bullock) Rarely, oh well
  • ·         The Icon ?(like Audrey Hepburn or Grace Kelly) sometimes when I feel the princess in me
  • ·     The Trend Addict ?(like Paris Hilton or Nicole Richie) When I am on a shopping high
  • ·         The Sex Symbol ?(like Beyonce or JLo) When I try to feel good about my overblessed ass
  • ·         The rebel with a cause? (like Angelina Jolie or Sharon Stone) This one I don’t really know...
  • ·         The urban eclectic ?(like The Olsens or Nathalie Portman) Yes, I can see what you mean, but…
  • ·         The rock and roll chick? (like Pink or Fergie) I can do skinny jeans and leather jacket yess
  • ·         The Hippie Prinsess? (like Sienna Miller or Kate Hudson) This could work for me
Am I all these women wrapped into 1 overflowing closet???
Well, let’s have some pecan pie and browse the internet…
Enough therapy for one day 
Recipe Pecan Pie (by Nigella's Christmas Kitchen) Supadupa Sugar Shock!
* 1 round pie dough (ready made)
* 150 gr golden syrup
* 100 gr soft butter
* 200 gr light brown caster sugar
* 1 teaspoon vanilla aroma
* 350 gr pecans and mixed nuts
* 3 eggs
Let the sugar, syrup and butter melt in a pan.
Put in the 3 eggs and stir until it looks like caramel
Put the nuts in the baking tin with dough
Sprinkle over the sugar/syrup/butter bomb
40 min 180°C


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